Make Masks 4 Carers

“With carers in desperate need of PPE, we needed to launch the website fast. A big thank you to Barnaby and One Nine Nine for getting involved – volunteering their time and expertise to support the project”

Samuel Barrington | #MakeMasks4Carers


The client

Coronavirus has put huge pressure on the adult care sector in the UK, with care homes and home carers struggling to get their hands on PPE.

When the organisers of #MakeMasks4Carers put out a call for volunteers, we got involved to help ensure frontline carers could access the masks and face shields they needed.

Care home consultant and care quality specialist, Samuel Barrington, launched #MakeMasks4Carers in April 2020. It started as a LinkedIn campaign to help find volunteers in the UK willing to provide PPE for the care sector.

The goal was to create a UK-wide database of volunteer makers, so care homes and care home providers could access protective masks, face shields and visors for free or at cost.

The challenge


By the start of May 2020, the situation was dire. Demand was outstripping supply, and there was an unprecedented shortage of PPE across the UK.

With time of the essence, Sam needed some help to get #MakeMasks4Carers off the ground. He had a website partner, but needed someone to write the content. We happily obliged.

The results


Working alongside Sam and the team at It’seeze Websites, we created the content for the site in a matter of days.

By the middle of May, the website was live, and the first volunteers had joined the cause. Thanks to #MakeMasks4Carers, volunteers have already supplied more than 150,000 masks to carers across the UK!

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