Twitter to Add ‘Edit’ Button for Twitter Blue Subscribers
July 18, 2022
Twitter to Add ‘Edit’ Button for Twitter Blue Subscribers

Reports from Twitter have confirmed that the introduction of an Edit button is ready to launch, and have been encouraging users to subscribe for early access to the feature. Additional reports suggest that there will be a limited time window of 30 minutes in which users are able to edit. 

Having the ability to edit Tweets provides users with an easy fix to amend or alter Tweets. It’s a feature that has been long awaited by many, and will likely increase the amount of users subscribing to Twitter Blue.

While this is great for users who want to remove typos or reword their sentences - it detracts from the spontaneity of which the platform is known for. This means that people will be able to change what they’ve said, which is not necessarily a good thing.

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